Obviously, for us, the whole issue of maximum residue levels in pesticides and the lack of registration, for example here in some of the changes we're seeing.... If we had a trilateral registration process, obviously that would be ideal. Our producers certainly are not penalized, but they suffer because sometimes the market just isn't large enough for a company pursuing a registration, say, in the U.S. We've seen that in the past.
Now, with the path forward around registrations occurring across borders, that's obviously very good, but there are lots of products now that are under pressure within some of the reviews that are occurring, and we know there is going to be a review of the pesticide act coming up, so, obviously, those kinds of differences become very problematic.
There are other things like, for example, our organic standards, which are very similar, and there is a tremendous amount of alignment in these standards, etc., but any change makes a significant difference.
One thing, at least for our industry—