We were given some data here before the department came before us, which indicates that over the last 50 years, the number of farms has halved. They've doubled in size, they're producing twice the amount, and the value per acre has quadrupled. That sounds very impressive, but when you go back to page 3 in your overview, the debt load has continually increased. Despite more production and better yield per acre, people are deeper in debt. You can understand that we need to have these programs working, but obviously they're not.
One of my questions is from the 2018-19 departmental results report that was just released. Under the changes to BRM programs, it says:
Future enhancements are also being considered as a result of a review of business risk management programming undertaken in 2018-19.
Have all of those enhancements already been announced? If not, can we get a list of the remaining enhancements the department is considering?