Sure, I understand that, but you voted the bill down before it even had a chance to go to committee where we could have studied this and made some amendments. I'm glad to see that you're working on it, but we did have an opportunity in the previous Parliament.
I also want to talk about business risk management. I'm very grateful to my colleagues on the committee for agreeing to study that first and foremost. I can assure you, Minister, that the recommendations in our report are going to closely follow the witness testimony that we're receiving. We have a very wide range of witnesses. I certainly hope that those recommendations are taken quite seriously by you. We want to get them done in advance of your meeting in July.
There is concern though that if your government comes about and agrees to some changes in the business risk management programs, there will be delays in their implementation.
What kind of measures are you taking to ensure that the fixes to the program are going to be instituted in a timely manner?