In the fall, about 33 different associations and producer groups co-signed a policy document asking for a code of conduct, so there's quite a family or suite of associations and producer groups involved in this. In that collective, I would say that different groups have reached out to the retail sector in different ways, sometimes to individual companies, sometimes to their association, the Retail Council.
There are five large retailers. We saw Sobeys in the fall make some comments that were quite, I think, heartening for others in the food supply chain, saying that they agreed that some of the practices that were going on were “repugnant”—I think that was the word—and that a code of conduct would be beneficial. We have not heard that level of support from other retailers.
It is absolutely my hope that as the working group set up by the ministers proceeds, the retailers will come to the table. I think any kind of product we produce—a code of conduct, for example—is always enhanced if all of the parties create it together. I would certainly want the retailers at the table, and I do think that sentiment is shared by other associations that I've been working closely with.