Right now we're still in the middle of the pandemic. We're obviously in the middle of the second wave, and things are probably worse, or recently have been worse, than they have ever been, so no, companies aren't, at this point, anywhere near thinking of planning to roll things back.
If anything, I think we're not going to see many changes, or even planning, until we see a critical mass of the population vaccinated and we start to hear from the experts about what the risk level is of the virus transmitting. Even at that point, I think we are going to see some changes in plants that are permanent.
For example, plants have put in walkways and barriers so that people can't pass each other. It's similar to what you see in grocery stores where you can only go one way. I think it will be a long time before you see that change. I think it will be a long time before you see the enhanced cleaning, or any of the changes that we've had to make, be reversed.
Some of those costs have been incurred and they won't be incurred again, and some are ongoing, like PPE, additional cleaning, health screening.
Even if you have an employee who is diagnosed with COVID, as an employer you do the contact tracing within the plant; public health doesn't come in and do that. The employer does all the contact tracing within the plant and watches security cameras to see what employee may have contacted another employee. There are massive costs that are involved in that, and I think those will be around for quite a while.