When the industry, in 2009, was having difficulty, there was funding put in. I looked it up today. It was a federal program where you could either get out of business or you could transition to something. Some of the farms transitioned to isowean production; some chose to get out of business. At that point, at our farm, Jim had already started transitioning into the direct marketing, so we couldn't access that funding—not that we should have had it, because we were already transitioning.
That's when a lot of that production just left. Because of transportation, some of the isowean producers want to stop having to transport animals. They are selling into farms that, in order to compete, have to increase or grow bigger, so they're building new barns. That means, here, either these isowean producers increase their sow herd and build new barns....
There's just not the money in that, so it's kind of a catch-22.