It is hard to try to provide an overview. Listen, I'm a former political staffer. When I got into this job, I knew next to nothing about the industry. It is hard to explain to people how it works. I can't stress enough how important the independents are to the supply chain.
If we can get a framework, a grocery code of conduct.... Forget about this listening to bashing just the retail chains or bashing the suppliers. We just need a framework similar to the framework the federal government established in the payments industry, where a payments code of conduct was brought in, and I can tell you that has been very successful. We're looking to establish the same kind of framework that will provide fair dealing for everyone.
I wish I had an hour just to give you examples and explain to you the impact that the independents have downstream on increasing capacity. That is key to the independents' ability to survive, to differentiate. How do we differentiate? We buy local. We support local, which we define as provincial. Keep us on the playing field and watch the impact we have.
You should have seen the impact when Ontario opened up beer and wine in the grocery stores. Sales of Ontario beer and wine went through the roof in independent stores. Why? Because that's what we want to do. We don't want to carry the Molsons and the Labatts. We're looking to carry the local stuff. Take that example and apply it right across the chain.