We are looking at different ways to solve this problem and we are looking at it from two angles. We want to help individual companies with surplus nonfat solids to find solutions, and that is what makes us special. We look at what is being done around the world and what is applicable, and we try to avoid costly attempts by companies. We validate processes using university resources or centres, including finding solutions for innovative energy and packaging. We would like to have short cycles that allow us to make packaging with residues of milk coproducts, for example. These are elements that are currently being developed.
We try to equip each company to have a range of technologies to choose from, depending on its size and the type of products it makes. However, individual solutions do not solve a generalized problem. We find it interesting to look at the situation from another perspective to see if there are solutions that would allow us to handle larger volumes than a single company can handle on its own, such as bundling volumes. From there, we could turn to sources such as green energy or green chemistry. These options would be interesting, but they are beyond the scope of a single company.
Our strength lies in what we can do together.