Yes, you can look at it. I appreciate that.
One thing that I guess I'd go on record as saying is that of course we have the western live price index, which stakeholders have talked about at this committee. I understand that there are some provincial iterations like Quebec's and Ontario's. We don't have a massive beef industry in the Maritimes, but there are a number of producers that are important to their particular communities.
My understanding is that the Canadian Cattlemen's Association and perhaps the Maritime Beef Council are looking at trying to pilot some administrative work on the way that they could incorporate the Maritimes into those other indexes across the country eventually.
Is this something that you're aware of, Mr. Forbes? I know that there's a lot going on and you're running a $3-billion agency, but is this something you're aware of? Is this something for which you can at least take away my comments today about the importance of what this would mean in the region?