Thank you, honourable member.
Quite quickly, I would say that it would be a challenge for the CFIA at two levels.
First, as I say, the type of training that you're looking for in investigating a potential situation related to a trespass is an entirely different set of skills than what is normally applied in either a food safety investigation or an animal health disease investigation because of, as I said before, the difference between a deliberate threat versus something that's accidental or incidental.
The other component—the challenge for the CFIA—has been mentioned. The CFIA is not on farms every day. Unfortunately, the CFIA's normal situation to be on a farm is usually as part of an investigation. Coming back to what Henry and others have testified, so much of this is about private veterinarian involvement with producers at the farm level to sculpt their plans specifically to the risk and hazards that are known to exist on that farm.