Thank you. I'll jump right in.
Mr. Charlebois, 50% of Canada's raw food, raw products, are exported. By extension, unless my thinking is wrong, that makes them relatively competitive, particularly as some of those raw products are then reimported in their processed or manufactured form. Of course, the example I am most familiar with is cucumbers here in southern Ontario. We actually now grow more, after all of our picklers closed, and they are all being exported to the U.S. and then brought back in.
You mentioned four impediments to processing: climate change; I missed the second one, and I'm sorry; currency fluctuations; and logistical problems. Climate change would affect our raw production, but let's take that one off the table for the moment. Could you comment on the priority of those other three? Where is it, or is it very much the simple fact that there isn't enough margin in it for our processors and manufacturers because of the retailer concentration?