Mr. Drouin, the instruction is that the clerk and analysts will prepare a brief report outlining the facts and the material elements of what is being alleged in the motion that has been presented by Mr. Barlow.
We will be free to ask questions. We will be free to bring in other individuals as we see fit, because this committee is master of its own domain. How to handle what would then be subsequently prepared by the analysts will be completely up to you and anyone else on this committee.
If we choose to find that parliamentary privilege has been breached, based on the definition, you can then instruct me as the chair to go back to the House on that, or you can choose not to. That will be up to this committee to decide, and it will be up to this committee to decide the parameters of how we determine that, which will be, I presume, in an in camera setting. Again, it is something I would do.
I want to deal with what's here. It seems as though a majority agree with the approach that has been proposed, and I don't want to spend too much more time, because we are coming to a close.
I know, Mr. Louis, that you want to move something as well.
Go ahead, Ms. Taylor Roy.