First of all, I'd like to say that the last thing I want to do is criticize farmers, because I think that to provide food is the most noble profession people can have.
When I refer to “industrial” farms, I refer to farms that are quite a few hundred acres, or a thousand or a few thousand acres, where you do single crops or where there isn't a lot of variety. Nature can take care of itself if you leave it reasonably alone, but the fact is that when you have large farms where you have maybe 500 acres of corn or soy or whatever, there are a lot of chemicals used—fungicides, pesticides, etc. The plain fact is that on those farms, you don't see any more eagles flying. Why? It's because we poison everything. That's the problem.
Again, practically every kid has allergies. A great percentage of kids have. There's the rise in type 2 diabetes and autism. I mean, we've got to wake up. We use too many chemicals to produce foods, so we've got to wake up.