I can tell you what would be good to see and what would make us feel supported by the government.
First, I'd like to live solely off the market. I basically don't want the money I earn to come from subsidies or government assistance. However, if my competitor is receiving assistance, I definitely want to be able to receive it as well. As I said earlier, it really has to be a fair fight. In the competition game, we have to be able to fight on equal terms. My thinking won't change on that point.
The idea would be to establish standard reciprocity, to use the same plant protection products and to have the same access to foreign workers. All of that is incredibly complex, every year. There are always surprises. What doesn't surprise us, however, is that agricultural production occurs at the same dates every year and that everyone here eats in the morning, at noon and in the evening. There are no surprises there.