Thank you very much, Mr. Chair. It's wonderful to be back here; it truly is.
I understand you've been busy over the last few months, so I want to begin by thanking you for all the work you have done on behalf of farmers, ranchers and processors right across this country. I've also had a busy few months, so I'd like to provide a short update on what's going on at Agriculture Canada.
On the international stage, we continue to help our producers and processors maximize their opportunities in the global marketplace. Last year, Canada's agriculture and food exports reached a record of close to $100 billion. I know you're all fully aware that I was in the Indo-Pacific back in February to open a new agriculture and agri-food office in Manila. This office will be vital in helping our farmers grow their markets, and it lets the region know that Canada is there and we're there to stay.
Over the last few months, I've also been in Washington to meet with Secretary Vilsack about Canada's agricultural priorities, and I was in Boston to help promote our world-class seafood products at the Boston seafood show. I can tell you that our customers there are looking for more of our world-class Canadian agri-food products. Next week, I will be visiting Iowa and Minnesota to meet with key officials and stakeholders there.
Since we last met, I've made significant funding announcements for the sector.
In January, I joined your committee colleague Mr. Louis to announce $10 million for step five of the local food infrastructure fund, which will support 192 projects. This program is doing an incredible job of strengthening our communities right across the country. I was so pleased to see the program receive an additional $62.9 million in budget 2024 to renew and expand it.
In March, we announced a $177-million extension of the wine sector support program to support our world-class wine industry. Shortly after that, we announced the latest stream of the agricultural clean technology program, which included $97 million to support 162 projects across Canada that will keep farmers on the cutting edge with clean technology.
Our producers have faced major challenges with high input prices and interest rates, which impact their cash flow. As farm operating costs remain unclear this year, farmers have asked us to continue support under the advance payments program. We have delivered by raising the interest-free limit of the advance payments program to $250,000 for 2024. We will also work with industry partners, such as the Canadian Cattle Association, to make sure the livestock tax deferral delivers more quickly and more efficiently for producers in times of need.
Finally, I'd like to update you on the department's main estimates for 2024-25.
The estimates you have before you total some $3.7 billion. This includes over $2 billion to support our programs under the sustainable Canadian agricultural partnership; over half a billion dollars to continue our support of the hard-working dairy, poultry and egg producers under the supply management system; and $250 million to the agricultural climate solutions program and agricultural clean technology program to give our farmers the tools they need to produce the most sustainable food on the planet.
While these are tremendous opportunities in the agriculture sector, we know folks are facing significant challenges. We will keep working together to help put money in the pockets of farmers and to make sure the farmers are able to feed Canadians and the world.
Thank you very much. I'm very pleased to attempt to answer your questions.