First of all, I'd like to thank farmers in Canada.
Without question, the sustainable agriculture strategy we're putting together will work well when we get around to putting it together, but it's a big project and a big program. What I like so much about it is that all sectors are involved, including the farmers themselves, the processors, the manufacturers and the retailers. Everybody is involved in putting the sustainable agriculture strategy together.
No matter what you're dealing with, like if you're dealing with a program from the CFIA, farmers cannot say.... I'm a farmer and I can't tell them they have to do this. They're well respected and science-based, with scientists...organization. They can be told things that perhaps they need to hear that can make things easier for them and easier for the agricultural sector. That's why it's so important to have everybody involved. It's not that everybody's wish will be answered, but we can come up with a program that will work better for everybody. That's what we're trying to do as a government.
Thanks, Tim. I appreciate that.