All right.
You're talking about increased exports, farm income and sales; however, net incomes of farmers are expected to drop by 85% this year. That hasn't happened in ages and the situation is critical. When we see that a program like AgriRecovery—the program of last resort, when everything else has failed—takes 18 months on average to be activated, I think that you'll agree with me in saying that something is wrong here and that it's too slow. The risk-management programs need to be reviewed post-haste.
As part of our study on the issues in the horticultural sector, witnesses talked about an emergency fund. Producers made clear requests in August 2023, almost a year ago, but they've received no response from the federal government. Is anyone working on this? Is there anything you can tell us this morning?
Also, are you going to start reviewing agricultural insurance programs right away? We can't wait until 2028. You know better than me how it works: The AgriStability program does the Olympic average for the last five years, but they haven't been good years, so it's going to be quite an average. The programs don't work anymore. They need to be overhauled post-haste.