If you take droughts, for example, it could be the way that the root system grows; it can also be the way that the leaf responds to the high temperatures. Closing the stoma loses less moisture out of that.
Then there are also two elements: one is drought resistance, but then there is water efficiency. If you're under an irrigated system, you have to use less water in order to get as much output, or just straight-up drought resistance that can handle the heat and still provide you with a decent crop at the end of the day, which kind of stabilizes your food production across the board.
All the time, as you're using things like gene editing, etc., to benefit conventional plant breeding, you're moving those yield sticks forward, 2%, 3%, 4% a year. That's the compound interest that brings us the efficiencies we talked about earlier in terms of reducing our greenhouse gas emissions per pound of food, if you will.