Thank you.
I'm going to start with Mr. McCann.
I think we're talking here about a hypothetical situation. Sometime in the future there might be carbon border adjustments on the agriculture sector. We've been hearing it's going to be very complicated and it's certainly not likely to happen in the very near future, as the EU is moving in other sectors.
One of the themes of your opening statement was harmonization and that in many ways the best way we can prepare for this is to try to harmonize our practices with our major trading partners, in particular the United States.
You mentioned Bill C-359. I don't want to take the chair's thunder away from him, as he might want to ask you about this directly, but could you mention some of the key ways we could harmonize our agriculture practices, our subsidies and anything we do to support agriculture with those in the United States as a start in preparing for a future that may include a carbon border adjustment?