Good morning, colleagues. Let's get this started.
We have some committee business we need to address before we get into the testimony from our witnesses here today—a couple of things left by our chair, Mr. Blois.
The first one is this. We have a group of representatives from the U.S. House of Representatives' ag committee. They are going to be visiting Ottawa on Tuesday, October 22, and Wednesday, October 23, after we come back from the Thanksgiving constituency week. This will include Chair Michael Burgess of the House Committee on Rules—a representative from Texas—and Representative Michelle Fischbach from Minnesota, who is also on the House Committee on Rules. They will be accompanied by a few staffers. We have invited them to meet with us during our regularly scheduled committee time.
To make that happen, I need us to unanimously approve a motion to have that meeting.
The motion would read:
That the committee meet, in an informal meeting, in camera, with a delegation of members from the U.S. House of Representatives during the week of October 21, 2024; and that the committee defray the hospitality expenses related to this meeting;
Basically, it's saying that we will meet with them and that we will cover the cost of that meeting.
Are there any concerns, colleagues? Is there unanimous consent to do that?