Thanks for the heads-up, Mr. MacDonald. I appreciate your looking out for your colleagues.
We also have with us, from the Canadian Federation of Agriculture, Mr. Currie and Mr. Ross, who are certainly no strangers to this committee.
From Pulse Canada, we have Mr. Northey, vice-president of corporate affairs. Greg, it is good to see you.
From Association des producteurs de fraises et de framboises du Québec, we have Jasmine Sauvé, executive director, and Stéphanie Forcier, public relations manager, who are both here by video conference.
To our witnesses, you have about five minutes for your opening statements. Because we have so many witnesses today, I will be keeping you to that five minutes as tightly as I can.
Let's start with Mr. Buy from the Agri-Food Innovation Council for five minutes, please.