It's incredibly important.
The problem we see with our neighbours who are quitting farming.... I honestly don't blame them, but let's say land is worth $6,000 an acre to sell to me, and they're going to get taxed. They're going to lose half of it, right off the bat, to tax. Now they have $3,000. If somebody, a builder or a contractor, decides they want to buy that 100-acre field and give them $25,000 an acre, then it's out of production, and it's gone for good. However, they still end up, if they lose half of it, with $12,000 an acre.
I don't blame them. It's their retirement package too, but we really have to do something as a country to control what becomes of farmland because they're not making any more of it. Every day, there's getting to be less. It's probably the same for young farmers. There's 1% of the people in the country farming. I guess if it was easy, there would be more doing it.