It's hard to plan ahead under these types of circumstances.
I would like to hear your thoughts on what I discussed earlier with Ms. Bissonnette and what I suggested to Mr. Mount. We must find a solution. You'll be selling your land to people who obviously aren't related to you. The proceeds of the sale will become your retirement fund. You can't just decide to sell the land at half its market value, because you would end up living in poverty during your retirement. The government must find a way to preserve the agricultural use of the land and make it accessible to the next generation. This is a key issue.
Would you agree to have the value of your land assessed based on its agronomic yield potential so that the next generation of farmers can hope to make a profit from it and not just pay off their debts and interest, and to have a pension fund or something similar set up to make up the difference?
Please feel free to answer. Is this something that you might consider? Would it make sense, or would it be too far‑fetched? I would like to hear your thoughts on this.