Thank you, Mr. Chair.
I like to start any discussion on fertilizer by reminding everyone that four billion people—one in two in this world—owe their lives and their ability to eat to fertilizer, in particular the synthetic production of nitrogen. That needs to be kept in mind.
Let me add one other quick fact. The three main macro elements for plant life are nitrogen, phosphate and potassium. Canada, from a food security perspective, is blessed to have abundant resources, or the ability to make resources, on two of those three, yet here we are—it's the ultimate irony for me—talking about shooting ourselves in the foot in two of those.
Let's take them one at a time, starting with potassium, because of the 35% tariff. Could you talk about the cost of rail for transporting potash from Saskatchewan, the world's leading exporter, into eastern Canada? Is it competitive now with the 35% tariff? What's the market there?