I want to make one clarification: There were not exceptions to the most favoured nation withdrawal for titanium, aluminum or other products. Those were sanctions-related exclusions, and they were little bit different. I wanted to make that clear.
In terms of process, though, as I stated, there's a power for the Governor in Council to grant remission on recommendations by the Minister of Finance in exceptional circumstances. If we were to receive the information to bring advice around that, that is something that, as I said, we do on a regular basis at the Department of Finance. There's a high bar, because these types of tariffs are imposed for a valid policy reason. This one, as I mentioned, was endorsed and put into legislation as well, so that reflects a certain will.
There is a high bar for deviations, but we certainly would consider disruptions in the marketplace or what have you. Again, to be able to say, “Yes, please do buy fertilizer from Russia again” is kind of going against the initial reason for not doing so, which is not to say that it wouldn't be considered. I think that it is extremely important to have the market functioning properly, so we would be weighing those considerations.