Minister, that brings me to an interesting subject, the AgriRecovery program, which we discussed for Quebec. You just alluded to it.
If I understand correctly, in 2025, we should receive $22.2 million to repair damage cause in the summer of 2023. Businesses disappeared over those two years. Will you bring them back to life when you give them their cheques? To be honest, it makes no sense. We need to rework the programs.
I have another question for you.
This week, I met someone who works for the committee responsible for auditing Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada. I was interested in how these people collect data. They told me that they had also contacted people from your department, but had not yet received a response. I hope you'll meet with them. Will you? Will you soon be reworking the agricultural insurance programs, which we both know are no longer working?
You have 30 seconds for your reply, Minister.