As I indicated, we have in our network 14,000 grade crossings. It's a lot of crossings. That project took considerable time. In the first part of this initiative, we had to coordinate with all road authorities, the municipalities and the province, plus each private user to determine their type of usage of the crossing. The type of vehicle has an impact on the type of protection that has to be installed.
Our concern from day one was the cost for the private users of the section 103 crossings under the Canada Transportation Act, which are at the cost of the owner and users. Railway equipment is very expensive. With inflation and everything, we're now at a stage where the protection required for the few remaining exceeds $1 million. This is why we applied to Transport Canada to seek an exemption for the 57 that were remaining, understanding that at those 57, you have essentially very limited use. Some are farm crossings, so they're used from spring to fall for the purpose of harvesting and so on. Some are residences, where people are using them basically to access their homes.
We're glad to say that of the eight crossings, we have one that we agreed with the owner to close. That person agreed. They found another alternative and therefore that one was closed. Then we have three where we basically agreed to apply slow orders—in other words, to reduce the speed of our trains such that the crossing becomes compliant with the regulations. Those were at residences. For one, the speed restriction was very close to a zone where the speed was already reduced, so we thought it practical.
What's left are four crossings in the Kingston subdivision, which is a subdivision that connects Montreal to Toronto. There I would say we've reached out to all owners. The challenge we have is that this is the corridor used by Via where they operate at a very high speed. Therefore, it's very challenging to make them compliant. What we're doing is engaging with each individual user for the purpose of establishing a temporary closure during the wintertime. We believe they're not used during the winter, so the speed can remain as it is. During the winter, we'll try to explore whether there are other alternatives. If there are not, then I guess we'll have to pay for those upgrades.
I say “pay”, but as I said in my opening remarks, CN has invested $200 million in our network. We believe the few remaining, depending on the outcome of our engagement, are ideal candidates for the rail safety improvement program that Transport Canada manages.