This is a challenge that we face. Our feedstock is the organics and by-products that come from grocery stores and producers. While there is a lot, it is a limited amount. What we are constantly trying to do is push the envelope to try to take more and more of the organics and divert them from the compost or landfill. For that, one of the challenges we have, for instance from the grocery industry, is the single-use plastics. This is something that is a real challenge. We have to pull them out of the products, using technologies, and often hand sifting. It makes it a challenge for us to take more of the organics.
One of the things as well, because we're such a new industry, is that up until recently, insects were something you were trying to keep out of your feedstock. We are the feedstock for a lot of these industries. CFIA is changing, but work with them to help the industry grow together, so that the industry and the regulations grow together.
I mentioned Europe. We should look to Europe. They're ahead of us in the regulations. I think ours is an industry that is looking to be guided or helped by the CFIA through the regulation process.