I don't think there's going to be any single answer here on this.
There's one that is very interesting to me. There's a lot of move afoot around thermal conversion technologies now. People may call it pyrolysis, so I'll just use the term pyrolysis. It's the ability to take materials and basically convert them into fuels and then also to take those materials and convert them into what I'll call biocarbon, which then can be an excellent soil amendment.
I'm finding that right now a number of companies are putting a lot of focus on this area. I think there's real opportunity for taking low-value excess residues, converting them and then putting that carbon back into the soil. In essence, this is speeding up the process of what nature does itself. It's a little bit like what the Incas and Aztecs did 10,000 years ago, where they burned stuff and then buried it to increase carbon in the soil.
By doing that, you also have the opportunity to trap in and collect the nutrients that are there. Nutrient loss is one of the biggest issues farmers have when we talk about this. By incorporating it into these sorts of approaches, the nutrients are locked in and then returned back, so you actually get the fertilizer value.
If there's one little topic I would highlight right now that's popping a lot today, it is that area. I really believe that what's happening now around carbon credits and the price on carbon is actually creating some of the policy drivers to have those economics potentially accelerate and work.