There's a certain private member's bill, Bill C-203, that you might all be interested in looking at for further research.
I thank each of you for your answers on that.
I'll turn to the Canadian Cattlemen's Association. On your website, your organization has an article posted from February 22, entitled “Curbing methane emissions will take a team effort”. It's an in-depth approach to the different feed additives that are under development, trying to reduce methane emissions from ruminants—from dairy and from beef cattle.
We also know that there is potentially promising research out there with the development of different genetic stocks and so on, which could provide some steeper long-term decreases in methane emissions.
When you look at the research, I know research takes a lot of time to get it right. However, when you look at the progress of research both in developing those feed additives and their approval for commercial use but also the different genetics, bloodlines, that might also yield some incredible results, are you happy with the way that research is progressing?
If there's any room for improvement, is there anything that our committee could specifically be recommending to the federal government on aiding that research even further? Does the federal government need to pay more attention to funding that research because of the potential it might yield in terms of an absolute reduction in our methane emissions?