Absolutely. That is a key point. We're getting very close with the technology. I understand that in the States there is some infrared type of technology. They do a balance of organic growth and some soil sampling, and then they can do it from satellite imagery. As I mentioned, the Food Water Wellness Foundation is getting some very good results and feeling pretty comfortable with the results.
Of course, it has to be cost-effective. They can't have people out punching soil samples and it's burdensome. At the end of the day, it has to be cost-effective because if we, as producers, are encouraged to do these environmental impacts and be sustainable, and we can quantify our carbon levels at an economic level, then we have to be the major benefactor of that. We can't have the aggregators and the system taking the lion's share. If we can be the benefactors of these sustainable environmental practices and show the results that we have.... On our farm alone, we have land that's almost triple the average organic matter. That's a key factor in sustainability, and so many things that go with that.
Yes, we have to work toward that research.