I'm sorry, but time is up.
Thank you very much.
Before we move on to the next round of questions, I'd like to point out that a buffet has been set up in the room. I think it's a good idea and it will help us continue with next round of questions.
This will allow people to grab their lunch, so I would invite you to do so. Just please be respectful of those who are going to be continuing our questions.
The only other thing is that it does look like we might have bells starting at 12:30 p.m. We would like to seek your consent to go 15 minutes after the bells start so that folks who want to attend in person can, but we can continue the round of questioning. Is that fine? Okay.
We will go to Mr. Turnbull for five minutes. Please feel free to grab your lunch, but please be mindful of the noise.