I'll be brief.
I don't disagree with what Tim said earlier on the measurement, but given how difficult it is to move Health Canada—they're stuck on square feet—we felt it was just easier to continue down that road, but I think the Cannabis Act review should help that. We know it should be larger, and we know doubling the current size is very doable.
The last thing I would say is that I would really start with the medical farmers. We have 35,000 licensed medical farmers in this country who have been producing medical cannabis with some challenges along the way, as we've heard. We should start with them. These are expert farmers. None of them have really been approached in any systemic way to say, would you like to transition?
The BC Centre for Disease Control tested the cannabis coming from these medical farmers and found that 15% to 20% of all of the cannabis they're producing could pass the testing regime right now. I would start in a systemic way with really looking at all of those medical farmers who are in the system, who have done their checks, and the municipal government knows they're there, and to start looking at systemically transitioning them into the legal marketplace, or recognizing that these are expert growers and then working our way up from there. Then we could maybe provide a little more flexibility on the top end of the micro category for people to grow.