Thank you, Mr. Chair. Thank you for hosting us today.
My name is Devin Dubois. I am vice-president and one of the founders of Blue Sky Hemp Ventures. We are, I would say, a primary hemp processor. We make food products from seed, and we also make cannabis products from hemp flour in a licensed cannabis processing facility. We are perhaps the only company that straddles the bridge between industrial hemp processing for food and the cannabis market by making extract.
The important thing that we would like to highlight here today is that Canada's approach to regulating hemp must acknowledge that hemp is different from cannabis and that hemp presents a potentially higher economic value to Canada because of that difference.
Hemp is a broad-acre, rotational oilseed akin to flax, sunflower or canola, with the added benefits of supplying industrial and nutraceutical inputs, all in a sustainable, carbon-negative fashion, making it potentially the highest value broad-acre crop in Canada. It is not the same as cannabis grown for recreational or medicinal value.
The other important element to understand is that the Canadian Prairies are strangely well suited to hemp production, as land values and current production alternatives to hemp, other oilseeds in broad-acre production like canola, flax and sunflower.... Hemp is economically and agronomically competitive with those crops, given the right circumstances.
We have an immediate advantage over other global regions, including the U.S., in terms of experienced production capacity, agronomic knowledge, production economics and immediate processing capacity. However, this advantage will quickly dissolve unless Canada takes action to remove impediments to the growth of hemp cultivation. It's now a federally legalized production crop in the U.S., so we will see mounting pressure from the United States in how they develop processing, infrastructure and production.
The other thing I'll leave in my introduction is the real reasons that we need to think about fostering the growth of industrial hemp production. One of the first ones is that our growers are equipped and capable of simply adding this crop in rotation in place of other oilseeds like canola and flax. This is really just another broad-acre crop in rotation that has some unique attributes that potentially make it much higher value.
Number two, when the industrial hemp stalk is harvested and sequestered for industrial products, it pulls enormous volumes of CO2, in the vein of two to six tonnes per acre of production. This is real carbon sequestration; it's not a fictional or paper accounting of carbon. This is a real carbon sink, potentially, if we can get that stalk into industrial products.
The other thing is that hemp is really the first potentially significant multi-use, broad-acre crop. That is, we can generate food and ingredients from seed, industrial products from stalk, and nutraceutical compounds from flower all from the same acre. This is very possible, and it's really what our business is based on.
Finally, growth in hemp production drives value-added processing, as the high volume and low-value stalk requires primary processing relatively close to production. It doesn't work in any other economic fashion, so where there is a large supply of hemp is where you will find value-added primary processing in all three sectors.
There are some things we'd like to raise today about the impediments to growth in hemp production. Number one, in order to be economically competitive with other crops, hemp must be a multi-purpose crop in the current situation. That is, we need to derive different value chains from both the seed, the stalk and potentially the flower as well. When growers are looking to place crops, they need revenue at a certain level, and that revenue has to be above $500 per acre—probably more like $600 or $700 acre—to displace other crops.
That said, for single-purpose use, especially for single-purpose fibre use, the fibre industry cannot afford to pay that. This has to be a multi-purpose crop, and there's certainly opportunity to do that.
Also, unlike every other oilseed or grain in Canada, hemp by-products—including benign portions like seed—are not permitted for use in the commercial feed market. This is an extreme economic disadvantage for hemp growers and processors. Every other grain and oilseed industry has an outlet in the commercial feed market for by-products and off-spec products. This may be the single biggest factor currently impeding hemp production and hemp processing. Part of that is because hemp foods from seed generally remain in a niche market, so the market demand is growing, but it's taking time, and without an avenue to feed the by-products into the animal market—