We will be submitting a more extensive document following our testimony, but there are a number of things.
Number one, confirm that the only hemp processing activity requiring Cannabis Act licensing and controls is the extraction of concentrated or isolated cannabinoids from hemp chaff or hemp extraction biomass. Confirm that the only regulatory maximum concentration for cannabinoids within the definition of hemp or processed hemp is 0.3% THC in the flowering head of the leaves of the hemp plant and 10 parts per million of THC in hemp foods. There are no other maximum concentrations for the low-risk, non-intoxicating, non-addictive and non-THC cannabinoids.
Number two, we need to confirm that the processing, import, export and wholesale sale of hemp products and processed hemp products are not subject to Cannabis Act regulation or control, even if extraction technologies are used. This is an example where Health Canada hears “extraction” and thinks extraction of isolated cannabinoids from flowers, but we extract purified cellulose from stalks. We extract individual fatty acids and amino acids from seed. We extract bioactives—