You said the program has to be tightened up.
Mr. Deighton, I hope you have access to interpretation.
I was referring to the problems experienced by a number of municipalities in Quebec with regard to the regulation of dwellings located in the heart of urban communities. I am not questioning the legalization of cannabis or its use for medical or personal purposes, but the environment needs to be considered.
In some cases, the odour coming from fans was blown into school yards. In other cases, neighbours complained of being inconvenienced by the odour, but the municipalities' hands were tied. They were told that the individuals had permits, and even the police could not do anything. So I think there is a loophole and I would like some information about that.
Do you have the same problem?
Small growing operations and micro-cultivation are in a sector where there is agricultural production, so those inconveniences do not occur. Can you reassure me about that?