Colleagues, welcome back to the second hour. We'll get started. We're just a few minutes late, of course, because of the vote, so we send our apologies to our witnesses who have had to wait a few extra minutes.
Today we have three different panellists. From the Agriculture Carbon Alliance, we have Dave Carey and Scott Ross, who both serve as co-chairs and are in the room today. Welcome back, gentlemen. Again, you're no strangers to this committee.
From the Canadian Federation of Independent Business, we have Jasmin Guénette, who is the vice-president of national affairs. He is also in the room. We welcome Mr. Guénette and Taylor Brown, who is online and can answer any questions. They will be sharing the opening remarks.
We also have, from the Producteurs de grains du Québec, Benoit Legault, the general manager.
My understanding is that we have a little bit of a technical issue. We are working on getting Mr. Legault on the line, but I'm going to move forward and make sure that our witnesses are able to provide opening remarks.
We're going to start with the Agriculture Carbon Alliance for up to five minutes.
Gentlemen, I'll let you two share the time. It's over to you.