Thank you, Chair.
Thank you to all colleagues for working through this. I'm going to read it very slowly for the benefit of our interpreters.
It goes as follows, Mr. Chair. I move:
That, pursuant to Standing Order 108(2), the Committee undertake a study on inflation in the food supply chain and the cost of groceries going up, while large chains are making profits; that the committee examine the profits of large grocery chains in relation to employee wages and the cost of groceries in Canada; that the committee also examine the ability of large grocery chains to leverage their size to cut into the earnings of Canadian farmers; that the committee explore ways in which the food supply chain can help reduce rising food costs, and that the committee invite witnesses with specific knowledge on inflation and affected stakeholders from the industry, including grocer and food supply chain executives, economists, unions and farmers or representative organizations; that no fewer than six meetings are set aside to hear from witnesses; that the committee commence the study after clause-by-clause on C-234 is completed; that the committee report its finding to the House and that, pursuant to Standing Order 109, the Government table a comprehensive response to the report.
I hope that's accurate.