Thank you.
Good afternoon. My name is Ray Orb and I'm president of the Saskatchewan Association of Rural Municipalities, known as SARM. I was born and raised and I live in the small community of Cupar, northeast of Regina, with a population of 625 people.
I'd like to thank the Standing Committee on Agriculture and Agri-Food for the opportunity to share our association's thoughts as the committee studies Bill C-234, an act to amend the Greenhouse Gas Pollution Pricing Act.
Our membership is made up of Saskatchewan's rural municipal governments. SARM has been the voice of rural Saskatchewan for over 100 years. Today I will share the perspective of those we represent by sharing our thoughts on how the bill being proposed would impact our livelihood in rural Saskatchewan.
Bill C-234 picks up where Bill C-206 left off in the last Parliament before the federal election. As you know, Bill C-206 was passed by the House of Commons but not fully approved by the Senate.
As we were supportive of Bill C-206, we at SARM are supportive of Bill C-234 right now. This bill would provide much-needed economic relief for our members, freeing up the working capital they need to implement innovations on their farms.
Grain dryers are used to help dry wet grains so they can be properly stored. In recent years in Canada, the fall season has been particularly wet, creating a need to use the grain dryers. In 2020, grain dryers were running for a record amount of time, and farmers paid more than the federal government carbon tax estimate. Recent studies have shown that Saskatchewan farmers can expect to lose 8% of their total net income to the carbon tax. For a household managing a 5,000 acre grain farm in Saskatchewan, this will take the form of $8,000 to $10,000.
Our members have been very concerned about the impact of the federal carbon pricing system on unavoidable energy inputs like fuel to dry grain or heat livestock facilities. We have argued for years that producers cannot pass these additional costs along to our customers and that they further reduce our financial viability. The additional costs of carbon taxation do not help solve the problem of carbon emissions.
Saskatchewan has some of the greenest agriculture producers in the world. Most cropland is zero-till. This means that our producers use a low-disturbance direct seeding system. Not only does zero-till agriculture sink more carbon, but it also reduces soil erosion and the amount of fuel required on farms. The Saskatchewan Soil Conservation Association has been studying carbon sequestration for years, and through their research they found that Saskatchewan producers sequester 9.64 million new tonnes of carbon dioxide every year over 28 million acres.
Taxation on food production is short-sighted and not a solution. If we do not work together to find solutions, we will see even more decreases in the number of farmers and farms in Canada, and we will lose the food security we have.
In closing, on behalf of Saskatchewan's rural municipalities and rural Saskatchewan, we thank the standing committee for the opportunity to lend our voice to this important conversation. We look forward to continued dialogue as we all work together to further the best interests of all Canadians.
Thank you.