Yes, it certainly is. No, not everybody is practising 4R nutrient stewardship, but it's good that there's an incentive. It will get more people interested.
It's like environmental farm plans. People can put down on paper what they are doing. It's good for our credibility around the world, as well, that we are practising it, but focusing on fertilizing the good land more and the poorer land less and using sectional controls have all contributed to less use of fertilizer.
We used to overlap way too much without GPS. I can drive straight, but not really straight, and we wasted. We wasted seed, we wasted fertilizer, we wasted manpower, and all of that. That simple improvement, GPS technology, made immense improvements in our environmental footprint.
Then there's zero till. I went to zero till back in the eighties. I was one of the first in our area. I cut my fuel consumption by 40% in the first year. Look at the greenhouse gas emission reductions just there.
Not everybody can do it. They're working on it, but they don't—