There are a couple of things. To set the stage in terms of the numbers, we produce on average 90 million metric tons of crops in this country and we're processing 16 to 21 million metric tons, depending on what you put in the bucket, so the delta is huge.
Incentives in investment and innovation are critically important, but what the sector really needs is a competitive business environment in which organizations and companies can make large investments, because we're talking about investments of upward of $600 million. It's anywhere from $200 million to $600 million, so greater access to capital is certainly something that organizations need.
We've talked a bit about the regulatory environment in Canada. The novel food regulations and ingredient regulations in this country need to be thought about and reformed to make it more attractive for companies to invest and to support the entire value chain. One reason that Canada is an attractive place for ingredient manufacturing is producers like my good friend Ted beside me. These producers ensure that we have access to supply. Really, it is about bolstering the whole of the Canadian agriculture economy. We shouldn't be thinking about ingredient manufacturing in and of itself.