As this committee is considering Bill C-234, I would love to get in touch with them and find out a little more in terms of the impact this is having on cost.
I won't ask you about grain drying. I think we've had enough testimony to discuss this.
My next question is for the mushroom growers' association. Mr. Medeiros, thanks so much for appearing before our committee. Ryan, it's great to see you virtually. I appreciate your being in front of this committee.
I think mushrooms are a testament to the innovation that can happen in a sector. I know I was at Whitecrest Mushrooms' operations down in Putnam. Robotics are playing a huge role in helping solve the labour challenges that are happening in ag in general. I know they're working on amazing stuff to reduce their energy emissions.
Are there any other types of projects where your sector is working, particularly on trying to reduce energy within their buildings? I know everybody talks about the carbon tax going up to $170, but are you working actively with suppliers to say, “Okay, we have this price signal coming up in 2030. How are you helping me reduce my energy costs?”
From my own perspective, I have met some companies that are actually doing that in the marketplace right now. I am just wondering if you guys from the mushroom growers' association are actively working with these types of companies out there.