Earlier, when I said we had reduced our deliveries.... I worked with my retailers for that, to allow deliveries four days a week, so we were able to save about 100,000 kilometres a year doing that.
The next project that our facility is looking at doing is a new indoor compost facility that's looking at using more electricity than fossil fuels. We're also recapturing any exhaust heat to use for heating.
The interesting thing is that my partners and I are looking to do this new facility, and there is no funding for it to help out. This is all on our dime because it's a new company, so there is nothing out there that helps new businesses to be energy-efficient. For anything out there, they want you to have been in business for three years, so if you decide to start a new business or company to be more energy-efficient, there is nothing out there that you can tap into to help out. Basically, we're taking a big chance on doing this, but it's the right thing to do. We believe in that, so we're trying our best.