Look, all universities are good.
Unless there are any other comments, I would move that we vote essentially on what we've just done as it relates to clause 1 of the bill.
Shall clause 1 as amended carry? Would you like to go on division? Would you like a recorded vote? How would you like to do this? Do you just want to go on division?
(Clause 1 as amended agreed to on division [See Minutes of Proceedings])
(On clause 2)
Now we will go to clause 2, which, of course, is CPC-2.
Mr. Perron, I see your hand, but I have to let Mr. MacGregor....
I don't know whether there's much introduction that has to happen on that. We've talked on this at great length.
I'll go to Mr. Perron, followed by Mr. MacGregor, and then to any of my other colleagues who might want to jump in.