On those mitigation packages and the compensation with CPTPP and CUSMA, our farmers are happy with what has been happening. It has taken a little longer to process some of it, but we understand the delays with COVID. The government did hold true on their promise. They did work with us. There was really good consultation in those times regarding the volumes and the impact on our industry. We're thankful for that.
We were a little surprised when this rolled out. We don't know what the impacts will be regarding future trade deals and a review of CUSMA. The government of the day might be different from the government that is there today. When CUSMA was negotiated, it was a different president than they have now. That was a different round of negotiations. I remember going down there. It was quite dynamic.
As we move forward, it would be good to know what we're dealing with. Import control is one of our major pillars, and we need to make sure that we respect that pillar.