I'm glad you raised this point. You raised it just after we had finished the last meeting.
What I've heard from the folks who sit on this committee is that we might want to ask the analysts to prepare a “what we heard” report, something we could consider in January. Then we can have that discussion about what you want me to report back to the House.
If we want to get into strong recommendations or something of that nature, I think it would be more appropriate to tackle that in January, in our first meeting when we're back. I think it would be the best to actually have the analysts prepare a summary of what we heard in those two meetings and then proceed in that fashion.
According to the conversations I've had with my colleagues in the House who sit on this committee, I think that's the best way to proceed, but I'm happy to hear what you have to say, Monsieur Perron. We had that conversation, too, but I'll turn it over to you.