Doing away with the LMIAs Is an excellent idea. They may be worthwhile for new workers, but as I was saying, there are some foreign workers who've been coming here for 10 or 15 years. The LMIAs had initially been introduced to make sure that no Canadian workers were available before hiring foreign workers. Now, with unemployment rates at 4% or 5%, it's clear that there are no more workers available in the regions. That's why companies have to hire foreign workers. Your suggestion to eliminate the LMIAs is therefore a very good one.
Secondly, with respect to the Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada delays, the basic problem is a shortage of resources, as was the case at Service Canada a year ago. The only way of speeding up the process would be to simplify it. If IRCCs could use digital technology for applications, things would move much more quickly. It would obviate the need for a large number of workers to undergo an assessment.