I know the government has made an effort, but I feel that everyone on the Standing Committee on Agriculture and Agri‑Food has seen that it needs to go a bit further. You have to realize that in Canada, even in Quebec, a third of our agricultural workforce comes from abroad. So it's important that we have flexible and predictable programs.
As producers, we're asked to be productive and efficient, and we demand the same of our tools and systems, be it the government or its departments. We're asking for more efficient tools and systems, not a heavier administrative burden.
We need to continue moving in this direction to increase program flexibility, while also respecting workers. We feel it's very important that all these workers be part of our business expansion. They have been involved for years. They're great and wonderful people, and we need to properly welcome them and set up transition committees with them. We need to get everything done by the book, but faster.