Where we are relative to the major milestones that we need to achieve in the coming months is as follows. First is a broad-based industry consultation. The code will go out for consultation. It will be in the marketplace for up to 30 days. We'll be soliciting the feedback of all stakeholders to ensure that we haven't overlooked any major item that needs more consideration, and also get other feedback on the principle-based nature of the code.
We are also looking at an implementation date of January 20, 2024. After we gain feedback from the consultation, it will then be incumbent upon the steering committee to consider the dispute resolution mechanism, which is in its formation right now.
We have a very inclusive process that has retailers at the table. It was really important to have an industry-led solution and have a dispute resolution mechanism that allows for expeditious resolution of issues, and for a mechanism that identifies recurring themes so that in 18 months the code can be revisited and improved upon and there's a continuous improvement cycle.