Certainly. The estimation of $2 billion overall as an impact to the industry for front-of-pack labelling alone is accurate.
In the current competitive environment, we are looking at every possible input to our businesses rising dramatically. From front-of-pack labelling, whose timing is very difficult, especially after COVID, the supply chain disruption, climate events, labour.... We're in a very serious labour shortage in our industry. Each day, we are approximately 30,000 people short as an industry, and that number is expected to double by 2025 to 65,000. We need immediate relief with respect to labour.
To get back to your question on whether or not our industry is being affected by other factors in the regulatory environment, I can say yes, absolutely. Taxes are crippling for small business owners, and now we're looking at increased costs through transportation, through carbon taxing and through other environmental measures that are making investment in Canada incredibly difficult to defend. Inevitably, the owners, investors and leaders who are making those decisions are looking to other jurisdictions in the world, and that is a direct threat to our domestic food supply and consumers.